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Google blocks Huawei's Android support after Trump blacklisting

Google blocks Huawei's Android support after Trump blacklisting. Google has stopped his business with the Chinese smartphone company Huawei. Reuters report that google will not provide software to Huawei in future and all the google apps and services will be banned in Huawei smartphones. Donald trump has blacklisted Huawei in America. Other chipset manufacturer companies like Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom will also not supply chips or any software to Huawei. Report said that the Huawei is accused of spying peoples through their smartphones. Effect on Huawei after blacklisting Huawei is the second largest smartphone company in the world after Samsung, blacklisting by trump creates a huge negative impact on Huawei. for now, Huawei will only able to use public versions of android ans will not able to use any apps or services from google.All the services like Google play store, Google maps and You tube will not run in Huawei smartphones.So users of Huawei will not able to use an

Top 6 ways to remove pimples naturally

In today's life everyone wants to get a glowing and beautiful face but pimples and acne eliminates the beauty of their face.It is very common disease among peoples.Many peoples are facing this problem.
The main reason behind the pimples is blockage of skin pores due to excessive oil and sebum produce by glands.However there are many treatments of pimples but most of them are useless and contain many dangerous chemicals which can destroy your skin cells.
Here are top 6 natural ways that will help you to get rid of pimples as fast as possible without any side effects.

Girl image

1.Take 1/2 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix it in 2 spoon of glycerin and then apply on face.

2.Soak lentils (masoor pulse) in water and grind it in raw milk and apply on the face in morning and evening and then wash your face after 10 minutes with hot water.

3.Grind 5-10 black pepper in rose water and apply on face and then wash your face after 20 minutes.

4.Take 20 gm orange peel, 5 gm neem peel and grind them to make a powder.Now mix 5 gm sandalwood powder and some flour in it.Now mix 5 ml of almond oil and 5 ml of sesame oil in that mixture.Now apply this mixture on your face at night and wash it in morning with clean water.Apply this mixture three or four times in a week.

5.Mix 5 gm of sulphur powder in 25 ml of glycerin and 25 ml of pure rose water.Now apply this mixture on pimples at night and wash your  face in morning with clean water.For best results use this mixture trice in a week.

6.Take 3 gm of rose, neem, basil and cousini boiled leaves.Filter this mixture and add sugar in it.Apply this mixture on face every night and wash you face in morning with clean water.

Some tips to prevent pimples.

1.Always keep your face clean.
2.Reduce your stress level.
3.Always use that skin product which is suitable for your skin.
4.Eat minimum oily food.
5.Wash you face twice in a day.


The above technique might not be work for everyone.All the techniques given are based upon science.Above home made remedies are 100% natural and do not have any side effects.
If you are suffering from a severe acne then you should consult a dermatologist. 


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Google blocks Huawei's Android support after Trump blacklisting

Google blocks Huawei's Android support after Trump blacklisting. Google has stopped his business with the Chinese smartphone company Huawei. Reuters report that google will not provide software to Huawei in future and all the google apps and services will be banned in Huawei smartphones. Donald trump has blacklisted Huawei in America. Other chipset manufacturer companies like Qualcomm, Xilinx and Broadcom will also not supply chips or any software to Huawei. Report said that the Huawei is accused of spying peoples through their smartphones. Effect on Huawei after blacklisting Huawei is the second largest smartphone company in the world after Samsung, blacklisting by trump creates a huge negative impact on Huawei. for now, Huawei will only able to use public versions of android ans will not able to use any apps or services from google.All the services like Google play store, Google maps and You tube will not run in Huawei smartphones.So users of Huawei will not able to use an